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Renewed hope for changing the odds

Systems practice offers a new way forward to make durable progress on complex problems.
by Freya Bradford, Director of Strategy & Learning "Systems thinking is a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than thin……

Community of Practice flocks together

Mark VanderKlipp opens a window into our learning community
By Mark VanderKlipp, Learning Steward for the Traverse Bay Children's Advocacy Center Public Will Campaign Originally published at As a part of our Systems ……

Evaluating systems change: Meg Hargreaves

An evaluator who studies systems change around the world shares some advice with us.
We were joined by special guest Margaret (Meg) Hargreaves at our August 2019 Systems Change Community of Practice gathering. Meg is a Senior Fellow at NORC a research institute at ……

Local Food For All During Covid-19

Our local food relief system is relying on their partnerships to make sure no one is left behind during the crisis.
This chaotic time has all of us scrambling to reinforce the basics. For some, basic needs like a stable home and a nourishing meal are never certain. The community organizations th……

Connecting to Meet Needs during Covid-19

As we rearrange the way we work together during COVID-19, the CHIR is making it easy for health and social service supporters to work together from a distance on Basecamp.
As we rearrange the way we work together during COVID-19, the CHIR is making it easy for health and social service supporters to work together from a distance on Basecamp. Deepe……

2020: Rooted & Resilient

“there will always be pain. you will hold animosity in your heart and it will hurt you. do not be foolish enough to let these times pass; trees do not hide during st……

Community of Practice tries new things

There are certain problems that persist unabated decade after decade in most communities around the world. They resist huge philanthropic investments, scaled “best practices,……

Why we're aiming for transformative change

In this video, our community reflects on our strategic shift.
In this video, our board, staff and community changemakers talk about our strategic shift to support systems change and building community assets for all. Read more about our persp……

From Seed Grant to Systems Change

It started as a group of colleagues who just wanted to better understand recycling in our region.  But thanks to a Seed Grant, their work grew into a Systems Change Accelerator grant matched with State funding.
Approx. 4 minute read We know that changemakers and their partners have the capacity to create enduring impacts in their community. They think big and tackle complex issues &mda……

Transforming Disruption into Resilience

Resilient responses to crisis reveal hidden capacities and opportunities to reimagine and improve
In many ways, our lives will never be the same as they were before the COVID-19 pandemic. Many individuals, businesses, and organizations have demonstrated remarkable resilien……